New chapter

If ever there was a photograph that summed up a moment in my life, this is it.  

I have left my job of 13 years for a new challenge.  It was not an easy decision but it was the right decision.  I have left behind many friends and a lot of certainty for an opportunity that I hope will stretch and reward me in equal measures.

Sometimes in life it is good to embrace change.  It is also good to test yourself and to see what you are really made of.  It is all part of a lifelong education.

So you see - the path ahead is slightly unclear.  I know that that the further along it I walk, the clearer it will become.  I also know that the past will slowly fade away behind me.  That past is important as it took me to this place but if I stand still I won't find out what is just out of sight.

This is a journey that I have to take.

Until next time (when I will perhaps be less deep and meaningful!)

Peace and light - Darren


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